Saturday 9 January 2016

Demography: Tech Time

We are learning to demonstrate an understanding of the importance of immigration in the development of Canada. According to Statistics Canada, 1 out of 5 people in Canada's population is foreign-born. Immigrant source countries have changed drastically over the past hundred years. Linking to our Math, Art, and Social Studies units, this is what we will investigate in tech time. 
1) Take out the source country predictions sheet you completed last week.
2) "Check" your predictions by completing the chart in your package (also linked below). 
3) Connect to Data Management (blank sheet at the back of your package)to Social Studies by printing (or copying/pasting) at least 5 different maps, charts, and tables relating to Canadian immigration history—past or present (especially data beyond 2000)
4) Caption each graph or table to provide context (explanation of data shown, source, year, etc).
5) Due: tomorrow 

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