Sunday 26 April 2015

May- Important Dates

May 6- Integrity/Optimism assemblies
May 19 to 22- Bake Sale
May 20- Junior Track & Field Day
May 21- Arts Night

Sunday 19 April 2015

Celebrities Go Green

In Health lately, we have investigated how celebrities (in this case, musicians), can be poor role models when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. In honour of Earth Day this week, we are going to look at the flip side. Your task is to find and compile a list of “green” celebrities. Aim to find individuals who raise awareness for environmental causes or have even started their own related charities. In class, I'll provide you with the example of a Canadian-born star of ABC's Castle. Here are a few links to get you started. 

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Student Survey

 The Student Survey will address such topics as:
      Learning Environment
      Equity and Inclusivity
      School Safety
      Student Well-Being, and
      other system priorities

Thursday 9 April 2015

Health On The Web- Tuesday's Class

C1.1 describe the range of effects associated with using cannabis and other illicit drugs
C1.2 identify people and community resources (e.g., elders, family members, community agencies, churches, mosques, synagogues, public health units, telephone help lines, recreation facilities) that can provide support when dealing with choices or situations involving substance use and addictive behaviours
C2.4 use decision-making strategies and skills and an understanding of factors influencing drug use (e.g., personal values, peer pressure, media influences, curiosity, legal restrictions, cultural teachings) to make safe personal choices about the use of drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis

Monday 6 April 2015

Songs for Change

Behind all music lays a message or meaning that artists want to deliver to listeners. There is almost always a reason why some artists write songs about certain life events, such as friendship, poverty, hunger, love, making a difference in the world, etc. As listeners, we then infer the meaning of lyrics that help us understand what the issue is really about. A charity record (also known as a charity single) is a release of a song to raise money for a specific cause, like famine or after a natural disaster. 

2) Create a Google Drive document and make a chart similar to the one below

Song Name
Song Artist
World Issue/Theme

Friday's Scope: Shyima's Story