Monday 20 October 2014

Living in Working in Space- Lab for 6A and 6C

The following websites are needed to complete your graphic organizers (jot notes are acceptable). Pay attention to the number of chairs at each station. This is the maximum level of participants at a time. You will be responsible for rotating once you have completed an activity, so monitor the countdown and use your time wisely. Any extra time? Work on your PMI (Plus-Minus-Interesting) organizer.

Please remember that the "Living and Working in Space PMI" will be due Thursday.

Station 1: Gloves
1. Put on the gloves (simulates working in space) to complete the following tasks:
- String together 3 different colour beads in a repeating pattern
- Wrap a small present with paper and tape
- Fold a letter and place it in the envelope
Station 2: Robotic Arm Challenge
1. Popcorn read the package 
2. Carry out the robotic arm challenge
3. Visit the websites and record 10+ jot notes on the robotic arm graphic organizer

Station 3: At Home on the ISS pt. 1
1. Popcorn read the package (dining + life)
2. Visit the websites and record 10+ jot notes on your first ISS graphic organizer

Station 4: At Home on the ISS pt. 2
1. Popcorn read the package (bathroom + life)
2. Visit the websites and record 10+ jot notes on your second ISS graphic organizer

Station 5: Suit Up for Space
1. Popcorn read the package
2. Carry out the space suits and heat activity
3. Visit the websites and record 10+ jot notes on your spacesuit graphic organizer

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