Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Community Exploration: Town Rankings

Your newest Social Studies assignment will involve an analysis of changes in the ethnic makeup of the following communities: Markham, Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Timmins, Brampton, Peterborough, Mississauga, London. You will compare both photographs and population data. 

1. Learn a little about each of the communities above (all towns in Ontario).

2. Find a historical photo of each community.

3. Use Google Map’s “Streetview”. Snip or print-screen your findings to do a side by side photo comparison (it would be especially cool if you could compare the same street).  

4. Compare the past and present using the images AND websites from the previous demography assignment (ethnic breakdown of each community/city in graph, or table form).

5. Your goal is to make an informed decision about which communities are the MOST culturally similar to the past, and which communities are the LEAST culturally similar to the past.

Graphs, charts, and data tables will come from a previous blog post. Other useful websites may include the official city/town websites, which I've linked for you below. 

Friday, 19 December 2014

Holiday Break Reminders

Reminders :) 
Math: none (or EQAO prep)
Lang: MVR II, topic II; AC vocab packages to chapter 24 (F: January 5)
Social Studies: Photo project (F: January 26)
Art: Enclave drawing coloured (F: January 7)
Dance: DPA presentation song possibilities (F: January)
Gym: Clothes
Other: Scientist in the School $ (F: January) 

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Enclave Art: "Perspective"

Do cultural groups need “territory” to preserve identity? Are enclaves a “crack” in the mosaic? How do ethnic enclaves grow over time? What are the factors that drive their growth and development? One-point perspective drawing tutorials are below: 
 Try using Google Street View to get a good look at your enclave (you will need to research the specific city streets to search for).

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Demography: Canada's Mosaic

Measurement Test Review

I understand the concepts of surface area and volume
I have the King Henry mnemonic memorized, as well as unit formulas (SA and V) 
I understand the difference between linear, square, and cubic units
I can solve problems related to volume and capacity
I can find the surface area and volume of a rectangular prism
I can convert between different units of mass
Practice quizzes and games: 

Sunday, 7 December 2014

FNMI: Canada’s First Immigrants?

Today Canada is one of the most diverse countries in the world, and the home of immigrants from many ethnic and religious groups. Canada is often referred to as a land of immigrants because millions of newcomers have settled here. But who were Canada’s “first immigrants?” Has Canada always been a multicultural country? The websites below are for your newest jigsaw.

6C's Blessing in Disguise

It really is the best time of the year: our blessing in disguise for NDFH (North).           
Below, you will find New Day North's wishlist. Everything has been specifically chosen to aid in development. See if you can find the same toys (or similar ones) at Toys R Us, Mastermind, Walmart, Chapters/Indigo, etc. The children also need clothes. Once you've read your little one's bio, you can figure out their age/size. I will provide wrapping paper for the class next Monday.

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Canada In Your Wallet?

Is “Canada” really in your wallet? In Michael Mitchell’s Youtube video, he says the coins “mean a lot”; are “more than pocket money, they’re symbols of our land”; and “pictures of important things for which our country stands.” In our Social Studies “Communities” unit so far, we have investigated Canadian stereotypes and symbols as well as generated criteria for ranking. 
Complete the organizer using websites posted below. What symbols are captured on our currency? What do they mean? How have the symbols changed over time? Thinking about your criterion, at your Disney exhibition, which banknotes and coins will your group keep or re-design? What new “special editions” will you create? Your group will continue to re-visit this chart as you investigate Canadian immigration patterns, trends, and events; opinions may change as the unit progresses.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Get the Job!

As part of a career discovery unit in our Tech Time/ICT classes, we are going to examine the need to prepare a résumé and the potential consequences of giving false information. First, we'll identify the basic components of a résumé, then create templates or access an online wizard to create our own. 

Your résumé is one of the most important tools you have when looking for a job. A résumé is a short document that you give to employers to tell them about your work experience, education, and skills. 

Today, you'll need to access the following websites (and do some searches of your own), to analyze résumé samples of teens. What are the most common COMPONENTS AND SUBHEADINGS? With your partner, create a document in Google Drive entitled "Resume". Make a point-form list of these components. 

Babysitting Jigsaw

At the completion of this jigsaw, you should have a better understanding of why small children act the way they do and what you can do as a caregiver to help them reach milestones, have fun, and stay safe. Furthermore, you should be able to select age-appropriate activities and toys for each stage of development.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Geometry Unit Review

On your test next week, you will be asked to...
  • Estimate, measure and construct angles to 360 degrees
  • Classify figures by side and angle properties
  • Construct figures
  • Identify, sketch, and draw nets of solids
  • Build and draw objects 

The following websites will provide good practice:

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Questioning Lesson- NDFH

The following websites are to be used to help you develop "thick" (evaluation, synthesis, analysis) questions about NDFH. Enjoy the challenge; this is often where the best learning happens!

New Day Official Site
New Day Blog
NDFH Offical Youtube Channel
I Am Waiting Video

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Autism Awareness

 1.  …gain an understanding of what autism is.
2.  …learn basic facts about autism.
3.  …discover how some people with autism might behave.
4.  …learn how people with autism are similar to themselves.
5.  …gain an understanding of how people with autism see and feel the world around them.
6.  …discover ways students can help people with autism.
There is no cure for ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Therapies and behavioral interventions are designed to deal with different symptoms and can bring about great improvement. The ideal treatment plan brings together therapies and interventions that meet the specific needs of individual children. Most health care professionals today agree that the earlier the better. Ideas about autism and how to treat it (medication, therapy, education, special diet, institutionalization, etc) even among doctors, have changed a lot over time. 

Your job is to investigate how autism has been understood over time and check out the past, present, and future possibilities for treatment (in other countries, too!)

These websites will get you started, but you’ll need to do strategic Google searches as well. Make sure you understand the content (stick with websites geared to kids/teens), otherwise you’ll find the many medical terms confusing. I suggest you divide your puzzle organizer into  4: past, present, future, and other countries. 

Monday, 3 November 2014

Hubble, Hubble, Toil and Trouble

1. Popcorn read the article.
2. Send one pair to get a laptop from the cart. Access the blog. The other pair should collect black construction paper for the group.
3. Watch the videos posted, view Hubble images, then use the “while you wait links” if you finish early.
4. Log-off and plug-in the laptop.
5. Use goos paper to practice replicating the style of Hubble images. Then do your good copy.
6. TIPS attached with samples (e.g. use dotted lines to do the layout first; take little strips of scrap paper for blending, etc.) 
Hubble facts:


While you wait:

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Constructing Figures- Lesson 1

We are learning to: use a protractor, a ruler, and a compass to construct figures.
I know:
- figures can be combined to create other figures
- a figure can be created using different materials (compass, protractor, ruler) if I am given the lengths of its sides and the measures of its angles
“Construction” in Geometry means to draw shapes, angles, or lines accurately. These use a compass, ruler, protractor, and pencil. One way to construct a 2-D figure is to use a ruler and a compass or a protractor. The websites below will give you an introduction. Try along with the videos. I will provide a full lesson tomorrow.



Angles videos:

Triangles videos:

Singapore math:

Quiz yourself:

Friday, 31 October 2014

Novel Study Pre-Reading Webquest

“Today I moved to a twelve-acre rock covered with cement, topped with bird turd and surrounded by water..." 
That’s right, twelve year old Moose Flanagan moves to Alcatraz Island in 1935 so his father can work at the prison there. In this webquest you will think about the themes of this book, analyze various characters and research Alcatraz, Al Capone, and Moose's very special sister. This novel tends to hook even the most reluctant of readers.
Let's get started.... We are headed to Alcatraz Island!

Working with your assigned partner, use the "Island" graphic organizer to record jot-notes that cover the following topics:

1.   Where is it?
2.   Who lived on Alcatraz between 1934 and 1963?
3.   Why did some children live there?
4.   How many people successfully escaped from Alcatraz? How many tried?
5. What is Alcatraz Island like today?

Al Capone
1.   Who was he, and when did he live? What were some of the major events in his life?
2.   When was the Great Depression, and what was it?
3.   What did Al Capone do during the Great Depression that made a lot of poor people loyal to him?
4.   What was Prohibition (in the United States), and what did it have to do with Al Capone? 
5.   How did the authorities finally catch Al Capone?

The following websites are age-appropriate and available for use... Later, we'll look at Scholastic Scope resources together.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

November Calendar

Upcoming dates for your calendars :) 
November 7: Honesty assembly (Character Matters)
November 13: Interview night
November 14: PA Day + interviews continue
November 20: Photo re-takes
November 21: Science Centre trip (Grade 6)
November 28: BHES spirit day

Monday, 20 October 2014

Living in Working in Space- Lab for 6A and 6C

The following websites are needed to complete your graphic organizers (jot notes are acceptable). Pay attention to the number of chairs at each station. This is the maximum level of participants at a time. You will be responsible for rotating once you have completed an activity, so monitor the countdown and use your time wisely. Any extra time? Work on your PMI (Plus-Minus-Interesting) organizer.

Please remember that the "Living and Working in Space PMI" will be due Thursday.

Station 1: Gloves
1. Put on the gloves (simulates working in space) to complete the following tasks:
- String together 3 different colour beads in a repeating pattern
- Wrap a small present with paper and tape
- Fold a letter and place it in the envelope
Station 2: Robotic Arm Challenge
1. Popcorn read the package 
2. Carry out the robotic arm challenge
3. Visit the websites and record 10+ jot notes on the robotic arm graphic organizer

Station 3: At Home on the ISS pt. 1
1. Popcorn read the package (dining + life)
2. Visit the websites and record 10+ jot notes on your first ISS graphic organizer

Station 4: At Home on the ISS pt. 2
1. Popcorn read the package (bathroom + life)
2. Visit the websites and record 10+ jot notes on your second ISS graphic organizer

Station 5: Suit Up for Space
1. Popcorn read the package
2. Carry out the space suits and heat activity
3. Visit the websites and record 10+ jot notes on your spacesuit graphic organizer